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Smokey Joes Vapes Company is a service provider driven by the vape community! You provide the dialogue and we source it for you, it’s as simple as that. We have created channels like Discord, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest to allow us to create that two-way dialogue between us the service provider and you the community. Come and join us on our discord vape channel that bring together Vaper's from all over the world to interact with each other on a number of discussions ranging from new liquids, vaping innovation, DIY juices, manufacturers of vape products, social and anything to do with the vape community. 

We drive these channels that provide us a view of what you the community want and also allow everyone in the community to find out the latest globally on new innovations, products, within the vape market. We want the community to help everyone. Download the discord app onto your phone or desktop and join the community by clicking this link and lets help shape up the vaping industry globally.



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Twitter Address:


Smokey Joes Vapes Co